KJ, my best friend from home, recently sent me her boyf’s “Rules for Life” for people just out of college. He came up with these recently, and I’d like to share them, as they are excellent rules, kinda funny, and should generally be followed:
1. Limit your Facebook time. Change your picture no more than once every month. If life is a meal, make your profile an appetizer, not the entree.
2. Read: something that matters, something witty, or something funny. Buy books at used bookstores. It just makes sense.
3. Gain the ability to run 3 miles without stopping.
4. Try other beers, not just Bud light…fool.
5. Ask your more sarcastic friends what music they are listening to, and give it a try… also, try using different music for different scenarios… classic Coltrane to set a classic/old school mood, upbeat stuff when you are preparing to go out at night, etc.
6. Eat at local restaurants if possible. Satan owns 83947 McDonalds and 348759 Au bon Pain's.
7. Organize your email and your real mail. Time to be a grown-up. Use Gmail.
8. Be kind to service workers…(hotel staff, waiters, etc…) for they can make or break your day.
9. Keep your bathroom/kitchen clean. Good God.
10. Go to as many new events/experiences as you can: different sports, different performances, different types of concerts, festivals, bars, etc.
Ok, so these rules are quite useful and should be used as a guideline. But now, I’m going to comment on them, and make a few of my own suggestions.
Rule #1: Limiting your Facebook time is definitely something to consider. You should also regulate your content and who can see your profile if you are on the job hunt, as employers will DEFINITELY look you up. Side-note: Hurricane, getting rid of your Facebook account but still signing on to friends’ accounts to peruse Facebook DOES NOT count as limiting your Facebook time.
Rule #2: Good rule. Follow it. I also suggest keeping up on current events and news with this one. NPR during your commute is great for that.
Rule #3: I’m going to reduce that to having the ability to run one mile without stopping, because even though I’m an athletic and active person, I despise running. As an alternative, pick up a sport as a hobby. Go biking, play kickball, or come play volleyball with me, yay!
Rule #4: Duh.
Rule #5: Why do you have to ask your “more sarcastic friends” what they are listening to? I also found the different music for different scenarios advice quite amusing. I mean, who is like “I’m going out tonight to party hard! I’m gonna listen to some slow jams to pump me up…oh no, wait…according to the rules I should listen to something upbeat. Silly me.” I think most people know what music goes well with certain situations. But I do think its good to discover new music. I suggest hitting up places with local live musicians. Murphy’s in Old Town has a live musician every night of the week. Booya.
Rule #6: Good one. Don’t be afraid to try new foods, either. And I like the Satan reference.
Rule #7: This is an excellent rule. Organization in general is always a good thing. I also recommend organizing and understanding your finances, especially keeping track of your debt. Effing student loans…
Rule #8: Yes, be kind to people in general…even if you can’t stand them.
Rule #9: Amen.
Rule #10: New experiences are a great way to meet new interesting people.
Here are some additional rules, from moi:
- Buy at least one really nice suit (ladies too). I don’t care if your current job does not require it. Who knows when you might need to dress up and look professional.
- Start a hobby: biking, blogging, cooking, knitting, coin collecting, stalking…whatever. It will keep you busy and help you meet new people.
- Network. All the time. It will improve your communication skills as well as connect you with people, who may just help you out in the future.
- Travel. Take any opportunity you can to see new places. Even if it’s for work and they send you to Bumfuck, Oklahoma still make an effort to check out the neighborhood. Maybe you’ll find something badass.
- Talk to cab drivers. They usually have weird stories and it will make your cab ride more interesting.
- Learn to cook at least one good meal. Please don't live off Ramen for the rest of your life.
- Read my blog. It will brighten your day.
- Drink water. See blog title.
Got any rules of your own?