Monday, October 29, 2007

Talking to the sky at work

So I have a pretty nasty cough. I’m talking dry hacking, lung wheezing, and disgustingly annoying cough. My co-workers love me right now.

I sit in a cube in the middle of a pretty open space at work. While us folks at Dunder-Mifflin (office reference, new code name for my place of employment) have a bit of privacy from the high walls of our cubes, you can still hear pretty much ANYTHING anyone is saying at any time. So a hacking cough is pretty hard to suppress.

Throughout the day, after each of my embarrassing coughing fits, someone from across the freaking office will yell out “Go home!” or “That sounds terrible!” or “Is that contagious?!”. It has been hard to distinguish who exactly is yelling these things, because there are about 15 of us on this floor. What I usually end up doing is looking up at the ceiling and yelling “I’m sorry!” or “Yeah, I know!” or “I went to the doctor this morning!”. Isn’t common decency, or even technology, supposed to prevent this kind of communication? I mean, I’m obviously sick. It won’t hurt you to walk a few feet to my cube make your comment, rather than yell it across the office. Heck, the trip might even be worth it. I often keep candy and fun things to play with at my desk. If walking a few feet is too hard, then you can shoot me an email. I’ll take anything to prevent myself from talking to the sky at work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you should go home if your sick