The more you find out about the world, the more opportunities there are to laugh at it.
–Bill Nye
Thank you, science guy.
I’m not much of a quote sharer, but I received this quote on my Quote of the Day section on my Google homepage. I like Bill Nye, and I like laughing, so naturally I really liked this quote. And speaking of laughing at the world…
Have you heard of the Allerca Lifestyle Pets? This company has come up with a way to breed cats that will not trigger the allergies of people who are allergic to cats. When I first heard about this a few years ago, I though “That’s absolutely ridiculous.” I totally love cats, but who would pay $5,950 (starting price) for a cat they have to wait 15 months to get.
As much as I hate to say this, if I had the money, I totally would buy one.
Go ahead, laugh. Yes, its absurd and ridiculous, and I DEFINITELY can’t afford it, but I’ve wanted a pet for so long. I can’t get a dog because I wouldn’t be home enough to properly walk it and take care of it. A cat would be perfect…except for the boyf. Thanks StuD, for being allergic to cats.
So just a heads up for Christmas, anyone who cares, I’ll take one Allerca cat, please.
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