Monday, March 3, 2008

One more for the road

Ok, so I know I said I was going to be done with pet stories, but I saw this in the news the other day and thought it was appropriate for the pet series:

Snake eats family dog as kids watch

Its terrifyingly hilarious. And just in case you are too lazy to click on the link, here are the story highlights, as outlined by

Story Highlights
· 16-foot scrub python stalked family's pet for days, expert says
· Kids, ages 5 and 7, see their dog eaten by snake
· Snake digesting dog in zoo, will be released into wild

Can you imagine strolling out into your backyard to play a game of fetch with your favorite pooch, only to find a GIANT SNAKE EATING YOUR DOG. Those kids are scarred for life.


On Friday something absolutely amazing happened. I got my very own desk.

That’s right, I’ve been working at this new job for over two months now, and I JUST got a desk. Never mind the fact that I still need to go through a metal detector and be escorted into the building every day. Someday, some new, glorious day, I will get a badge that will allow me to walk in without an escort and will exempt me from the metal detector. Now THAT will be reason for celebration.


I-66 said...

2 things:

1)This is another reason I'm glad I'm a big dog person

2) You have a desk, but do you have a cubicle or office in which to put it.

Anonymous said...

stu is owner of the Australian Venom Zoo in Kuranda?

BrokeInDC said...

i-66: you're glad you're a dog person? maybe you didn't read the post right...DOGS ARE A NEW SNAKE better keep yours locked up

anne: yes, he leads a double life as a snake charmer

I-66 said...

No no, Water Girl. Big dog person. As in, not appetizer-sized. C'mon. That snake ate a chihuahua mix.

Capitol Hill 20210 said...

yikes poor kids...

congrats on the desk -- I love the security of our buildings here. I too have a wonderful card that lets me bypass the metal detectors.