Monday, January 7, 2008

My Mom was a Hitchhiker

Yes, it is true.

When I was home for Thanksgiving having a conversation with my friends and my mother, we stumbled upon the topic of hitchhiking. At my previous job, when I rode in one of the delivery trucks for a day (the one with a mouse living in it), the driver I was with said he hitchhiked a lot when he was younger. I asked him if he picked up a lot of hitchhikers now, seeing as he was a hitchhiker himself once. “No way!” he responded. I thought this was quite hypocritical, and brought it up in conversation when I was at home.

“Isn’t that interesting?” I commented. “A man who used to hitchhike a lot refusing to pick up hitchhikers.”

My friends all nod and comment, “Oh, yes.”

My mother chimes in, “I used to hitchhike.”

Our mouths drop, faces turn toward her.

She continues as if its no big deal, “Oh yeah, when I was about 15, I used to hitchhike to the local pool.”


Yes, my mother hitchhiked to the local pool, which was approximately 7 miles from her house. Yeah sure, she owned a bicycle, but that would have taken to long, according to her. Hitchhiking was apparently the fastest way to the pool on several occasions.

I mean, think about it. She must have wanted to go to the pool really friggin’ bad to HITCHHIKE to get there. I can just imagine her thinking to herself…

“Gee whiz, its super hot today. I really want to go to the pool. I could ride my bike…but that just isn’t fast enough for me. I need to get to the pool NOW. Let me just grab my towel, stick out my thumb, and be on my way.”

Badass, mom. Badass.

**Disclaimer: That woman in that picture is not my mother...just some random.


Anonymous said...

Chuck Klosterman once wrote about how growing up, his teacher warned him never to hitchhike because every one who picks them up are perverted degenerates who will rape you. She also warned him never to pick up any hitchhikers because they, too, are perverted degenerates.

So he grew up thinking everyone who ever drove or rode in a car was a perverted degenerate.

Which might not be as wrong as we think.

Karena said...

um and yes my mom used to hitch hike with her friends when they were in's absolutly insane to think of!!!